
By Philemon Zachariou

Ἡ Ἐκκλησία “The Church”

In New Testament times a good number of Classical Greek words took on a new semantic dimension. One example is the word ἐκκλησία [eklisia] “church.” This article focuses on a revelation that begins to unfold with Jesus’ utterance of the word ἐκκλησία and which is later portrayed by Paul as “the Body of Christ.” Here …

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God’s Soldier

Editor’s note: This post is excerpted from The Proselytizer, the autobiographical account of 20th-century Greek minister Panos Zachariou, who witnessed divine intervention during business failures, poverty, war, captivity in a German concentration camp, mass execution, and repeated imprisonment for sharing the gospel. The account was edited and prepared for publication by his son Philemon Zachariou, …

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NT Greek Figure vs. Form

Philemon Zachariou is a native Greek, a retired Greek professor, and the author of Reading and Pronouncing Biblical Greek: Historical Pronunciation versus Erasmian. He currently develops New Testament Greek instructional material, is an adjunct professor of English at Northwest University, and a BibleMesh Greek tutor. Two Greek words, σχῆμα and μορφή, generally understood as figure …

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The Distinctiveness of BibleMesh’s Approach to Greek

Are you interested in studying New Testament Greek? And are you currently comparing online Biblical Greek programs? If so, know that in this age of booming distance education, searching for the right Biblical Greek program can lead the uninformed down the wrong path. To that end, you need to know what makes BibleMesh and its …

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