Academic Partners & Cooperating Schools
Transfer your BibleMesh credits to an accredited school
The BibleMesh Institute partners with select, trusted schools to offer degree completion pathways for undergraduate and graduate programs. Details will vary with each Institute Partner as explained below. We also have a growing list of cooperating schools that have accepted BibleMesh Institute credits toward advanced standing or full-credit coursework.
Institute Partners
- BCS will accept Greek Reading 1–2 courses taken through the BibleMesh Institute earning a B- or above as satisfying the prerequisite Greek requirement for transfer students and MDiv applicants.
- CBTS&C will accept up to 50% of the required credit hours as transferable for a degree or diploma, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
- Transfer as many as 42 credit hours from the BibleMesh Institute into our Master of Divinity degree or 60 credit hours into our Bachelor of Christian Studies degree. Equivalent percentages apply to other CBTS&C diplomas or degree programs.
- CCBS will accept transfer credit from students who take courses through the BibleMesh Institute. Depending on the program the student wishes to transfer into, those hours will be applied as follows:
- Associate Degree: Up to 30 hours of the 60-hour program
- Bachelor’s Degree: Up to 60 hours of the 120-hour program
- Master’s Degree: Up to 21 hours of the 45-hour program
- Students transferring into Bethany Global University (BGU) with BibleMesh credits shall be allowed to complete up to 50% of their degree requirements by transfer credit (which may include a combination of BibleMesh credits and other acceptable credits). Students are permitted to transfer up to 24 credits total from BibleMesh into their BGU Bachelors degree plan.
- Students matriculating into a graduate degree program at BGU may transfer up to 6 credits from BibleMesh into their Masters degree plan.
- Note: The BGU Admissions Committee evaluates all applicants. Applicants successfully completing coursework at BibleMesh are not necessarily guaranteed admission to BGU; they shall be required to complete the application process as any other BGU applicant.
- Erskine Seminary will consider up to 50% of the required credit hours as transferable for a graduate degree, certificate or diploma. This applies only to Erskine approved courses completed through the BibleMesh Institute.
- Students should consult with their Erskine advisor to determine how many credit hours can be transferred into their Erskine degree program. These Erskine approved credits consist of foundation level courses in Bible, doctrine, history and Biblical languages. With prior permission of their academic advisor, students are permitted to take upper level BibleMesh Institute elective courses.
- Erskine approves students to be concurrently enrolled at Erskine and the BibleMesh Institute for the satisfaction of transfer credits. Students can complete a Master of Arts in Theological Studies online. Details regarding Master of Divinity and other Master of Arts degrees forthcoming.
- Transfer up to 24 hours of BibleMesh Institute Credit into Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (not to exceed 2/3 of an overall degree).
- BibleMesh Institute credit transferred to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) only applies toward degree completion at SEBTS, and may not be transferred to another institution.
- Students are encouraged to review graduate programs at SEBTS to determine which BibleMesh Institute courses will satisfy their desired degree.
- Transfer up to 30 hours of BibleMesh Institute Credit into C@SE (not to exceed 2/3 of an overall degree).
- BMI credit transferred to C@SE only applies toward degree completion at C@SE, and may not be transferred to another institution.
- Students are encouraged to review undergraduate programs at C@SE to determine which BibleMesh Institute courses will satisfy their desired degree.
- The BibleMesh Institute delivers a Union MA in Theology by means of a collaborative agreement.
- BibleMesh also recommends the following postgraduate degrees which are exclusively delivered by Union Theological College
- Master of Arts in Theology
- Master of Theology in New Testament
- Master of Theology in Reformed Theology
- Post-graduate Certificate in Biblical Greek
BibleMesh Institute courses not specifically taken under a UTC programme will not transfer as credit towards a UTC degree.

Cooperating Schools
These schools have accepted BibleMesh Institute coursework on a case-by-case basis. To inquire about transferring credit to a cooperating or non-partner school, please first contact the appropriate administrative office at that school. BibleMesh is willing to provide grade, transcripts and syllabi upon request.
- Asia Graduate School of Theology
- Bethlehem College & Seminary
- Briercrest College & Seminary
- Capital Seminary & Graduate School
- Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary
- Cedarville University
- Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary
- Faith Bible College
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- Johnson University
- Lancaster Bible College
- Melbourne School of Theology
- Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- New College Franklin
- New St. Andrews College
- Oral Roberts University
- Providence Theological Seminary
- Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
- Reformed Baptist Seminary
- Reformed Theological College (Melbourne)
- Shepherds Theological Seminary
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- The Masters Institute
- The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Trinity College of Florida
- Union University
- Westminster Theological Seminary
- Wheaton College
- York St. Peter’s Evangelistic Organization