
Biblical Languages

BibleMesh Biblical Languages

Benjamin Kantor’s “Pronunciation of New Testament Greek”

This article examines the pronunciation that Benjamin Kantor, author of A Short Guide to the Pronunciation of New Testament Greek, recommends for New Testament Greek. His recommendation is a pronunciation system based on the way Greek was supposedly pronounced in the Judeo-Palestinian region during New Testament times. Kantor calls this pronunciation, “Historical Koine Greek Pronunciation”.

On Keeping Your Greek and Hebrew in Ministry

I hate trying to talk while I’m in the dentist chair. It vexes me why anyone would ask me questions while drilling, scraping, or spraying my teeth. I hope they don’t expect anything more than an “uh-huh” or “huh-uh.” Recently, however, my dental hygienist asked me how long it takes me to prepare a sermon. …

On Keeping Your Greek and Hebrew in Ministry Read More »

Stealing Hearts in Hebrew

Interested in learning a biblical language? BibleMesh Biblical Languages will guide you to become a confident reader of the biblical text—and it begins with taking your first steps. Find out more and get our First Steps course for free. A life spent reading Scripture is a path walked between the comfort of the familiar and the …

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