Genetically Modified Babies Given Go Ahead by UK Ethics Body (The Guardian)
With Low Birthrate (Below Death Rate), Finland’s Only Growth Comes from Immigrants (Daily Finland)
Catholic “Consecrated Virgins” Need Not to Have Been Literal Virgins Previously (The Age)
Commentary: Oregon’s Hypocrisy – Abortion and a Case of Parental Neglect (Breakpoint)
Commentary: The Brunson Farce (World Magazine)
Article: The Single Greatest Challenge of Your Christian Life (Unlocking the Bible)
Article: The Gospel for Porn Addicts: An Interview with D. Scott Hildreth (Intersect Project)
Article: 15 Sobering Reminders About Hell (And What It Means for Us) (Credo)
Article: What Hollywood Really Wants: Bible-Preaching Churches Unashamed of the Gospel (The Gospel Coalition)