
Selected News Stories from Around the World* — Wednesday, Feb. 15

Church of England Considering Adjustments to Its Stance Toward Homosexuals (Press Association)
Church Keeps Medieval Marriage Banns to Attract Young Worshippers (The Telegraph)
Georgian Orthodox Church Caught in “Poisoning Plot” (BBC)
Resurrecting a Modern Ruin – Catholic Seminary Build in the 1960s (BBC)
Islamic Radicals Who Massacred Christians on Easter, Kill 14 in Lahore Bombing
(The Christian Post)
Resurgent Islam and the Response of the Church (Kairos Journal)
Why I Won’t Be Seeing (or Reviewing) The Shack Movie (Challies)
Time in God’s Word Is Not a Grim Duty (EPM)

*News stories and editorials on this page do not necessarily represent the views of the BibleMesh editorial board. BibleMesh cannot control objectionable advertising on news sites.