Islamic “Glory to God” Adverts Appear, Christian Adverts Banned
(The Yorkshire Post)
Why Turkey’s Historic Churches Are Being Turned Into Mosques
(The Clarion Project)
Indonesia Calls on Muslim World to Promote Tolerant Islam (The Jakarta Post)
Christian Refugees in Germany Fear Violence by Other Migrants (The Washington Post)
Rwanda Holds Week-Long Remembrance of Genocide, Which Occurred 22 Years Ago (All Africa)
How Qatar Purchases Academic Chairs in Europe (Arutz Sheva)
We Go to Church for a Good Sermon, Not Bad Stand-up Comedy (The Telegraph)
Charleston Church-Attack Payouts Anger Families (Sky News)
The Country of Georgia Plans National Matchmaking Service as Marriage Rate Falls (The Guardian)
Utah Abortion Law and Abortionists at Odds Over When Babies in the Womb Feel Pain
(Los Angeles Times)
North Carolina and Justice Dept. Sue Each Other Over State’s ‘Bathroom Bill’ (The Gospel Coalition)