
Selected News Stories from Around the World* — Thursday, October 2

brazilBrazil’s Evangelicals Become a Political Force to Be Reckoned With (The Guardian)
Andy Stanley’s North Point Ministries Name Largest Church in America (The Christian Post)
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Seeks Proof for God in Linguistic Philosophy (The Spectator)
The Controversial Clergyman and Theologian Who Discovered Soda Water (The Atlantic)
9 Attempts to Explain the Crazy Complexity of the Middle East (The Washington Post)
US Supreme Court Justice Scalia Talks Church, State in Speech (The Denver Post)
Had Sex, Dumped Jesus: The Spiritual Perils of Immorality (Two Cities)
How God Embraces the Embarrassed (Desiring God)
Do You Think Biblically about Your Work? (Crosswalk)
*News stories and editorials on this page do not necessarily represent the views of the BibleMesh editorial board. BibleMesh cannot control objectionable advertising on news sites.