Turkish Divorce Court Agrees with Wife: She’s Not Required to Be the Cook For All the Guests Her Husband Brings Home Unannounced (Hurriyet)
Coach of Scottish Hibernian Soccer Team Said to Suffer Abuse for Being a Northern-Ireland Catholic (Scotsman)
Pakistan Works to Stop Asia Bibi Leaving after Blasphemy Protests (The Guardian)
Article: What to Do About Persecution in China (Christianity Today)
Article: A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture (Challies)
Article: Wisdom in Contextualization: How Far Is Too Far? (The Exchange)
Article: Should Pastors Address Political Debates from the Pulpit? (Bruce Ashford)
Article: What is the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13? (Southern Equip)
Article: How You Can Quickly Answer the Evolution Question (The Stream)