
Selected News Stories from Around the World* — Monday, Oct. 17

French Churches Plan Day of Prayer for Church’s Sex-Abuse Victims (The Local)
Why Egypt’s Muslims Resent Coptic Christians (Front Page Magazine)
Christian Woman’s Seven Year Death Row Ordeal for Speaking to a Muslim Extended (Express)
Muslims Use Government to Attack Christian Church (WND)
Hungary: Help Persecuted Christians, Beware Muslims (American Thinker)
Indian Muslims Object to Uniform Civil Code (The Hindu)
WorryPlaces to Find “Heaven on Earth” (The Telegraph)
Week 2—What Christians Should Do For Government: Obey Scripture, Get Wisdom (9Marks)
An Illustration of Repentance
*News stories and editorials on this page do not necessarily represent the views of the BibleMesh editorial board. BibleMesh cannot control objectionable advertising on news sites.