Danish Flag, Featuring Christian Cross, Has Storied Past, with a Dose of Legend (CPH Post)
STDs Triple in Four Years in France (The Local)
Archbishop of Canterbury Raises Profile of Nigeria attacks as New Humanitarian Crisis Looms (World Watch Monitor)
Parents Sue Over City Schools ‘Anti-Islamophobia’ Program (WAAY31)
Podcast: 3 Reasons to Love the Sojourner (The Gospel Coalition)
Article: What #MeToo and Hooking Up Teach Us About The Meaning of Sex (Public Discourse)
Article: Unfriending Convenience (Christianity Today)
Article: The Gospel in Suburbia: Living on Mission in a “Soul-less” Place (The Exchange)
Article: Can Your Soul Survive Facebook and Twitter? (Russell Moore)
Article: Three Essentials for Christian Parenting (Desiring God)