
Selected News Stories from Around the World* — Wednesday, July 10

Korean Pastor Criticized for Receiving Unwanted Infants in Drop-Off “Baby Box”
(The Korea Times)
Hundreds Call to Adopt Down Syndrome Baby, Save It from Abortion (The Washington Times)
A Perfect Daughter: Loving a Special Needs Child (LifeSiteNews)
Abortion Activists Shout “F—the Church” During Chants at Texas Capitol (LifeNews)
American Street Preacher Arrested in London for ‘Hate Speech’ (World)
Washington Now Leads in Assisted Suicides (Baptist Press)
Virginia’s Law Defining Marriage between a Man and a Woman Targeted by ACLU (The Washington Times)
Youth Pastors on Why Young Adults Stay in Church (The Christian Post)
Boy Scouts Alternative Program Will Ask Youths to Be Sexually Pure (The Washington Times)
Christians Killed in Egypt Following President’s Ouster (Christianity Today)
Wave of Kidnappings Plagues Egyptians (WorldWatch Monitor)
Iranian Christian Convert Tried for Participating in House Church (ANS)
Is Christianity Nearing Extinction in the Middle East? (Charisma News)
Conservative Coalition Calls for Legislation to Preserve Religious Freedom in U.S. Military (CNS)
Global Corruption Survey Reveals One in Four People Paid a Bribe in Past Year (The Guardian)
ARTICLE: Sin, Not Sins (Justin Buzzard)
*News stories and editorials on this page do not necessarily represent the views of the BibleMesh editorial board. BibleMesh cannot control objectionable advertising on news sites.