

Theological training that serves the mission.

Biblical training without pursuing another degree?

The traditional model of spending 3-4 years in a seminary is demanding on your time and expensive. When you are eager to get out into the field, relocating and getting into debt is disruptive and carries with it long-term financial cost.

But you need solid biblical training to equip you for evangelism, making disciples, and planting churches.

A better approach for missionaries and mission agencies:

  • Flexible online curriculum
  • Guided by an experienced teacher
  • Affordable monthly payment model 
  • Focused on practical ministry outcomes.

Why missionaries and mission agencies partner with us.


Evangelical Theology

We provide trusted theological educational resources with a firm commitment to the authority and inerrancy of Scripture.


Experienced Partner

Developing custom programs for 10+ mission agencies. We work closely with a candidates church and sending agency.


Expert Teaching Fellows

One-to-one oversight by credentialed teaching fellows. They are experts in their field, with a wealth of ministry experience.

The BibleMesh Missionary Certificate Track teaches students how to read and interpret the Bible, forms them in pillars of historic Christian doctrines, and equips them to teach and disciple others in the faith.

BibleMesh Missionary Certificate Track

A Foundational Track of Six Courses.

Designed from the ground up to train students in nine core competencies essential to the missionary task. To accomplish this, students will complete practically oriented assignments. They will read deeply in the course curriculum, and develop their own resources for evangelism and discipleship.

We aim to equip students, not simply with facts about the Bible or church History. Rather, they receive the skills to engage and apply the theology of the Old and New Testament, and learn what Christians have confessed about Christ for thousands of years. All in service to the missionary task.

Let's Talk About Partnering.

Are you a missionary or missions agency that needs biblical and theological training? We’d love to talk.

Find out more and book a call to talk about training.



Identify biblical understanding and competency of candidates.​



Enroll in the Missionary Certificate, or customize a training track.



Study trusted online courses guided by experienced teachers.



Students grow in knowledge and love of God, and are equipped to make Him known.