Kontaktmission Cross-Cultural Certificate
Kontaktmission is committed to planting churches and making disciples in Europe, the least Christian continent.
Track Details

Kontaktmission Cross-Cultural Certificate
While anyone can apply to BibleMesh in order to take the eight courses listed below, along with the pre-assessment and Capstone requirements, only Kontaktmission candidates are eligible to receive the actual Certificate*. To learn more about Kontaktmission click here.
* Note: Not all students will be required to complete the 8 courses in the track, but all 8 must be completed to receive the Kontaktmission Certificate.
$280 per month (the average completion timeframe is 2-3 months per course)
- Pre and Post Assessment
- 8 courses
- 1-on-1 Academic Tutor support
- Official course syllabus
- Certified grade transcript
- Kontaktmission Certificate
Courses in this Track
Initial Assessment Interview
All students are required to take an oral 1-hour assessment interview to determine baseline knowledge in the areas of Bible and Interpretation, Doctrine and Historical Theology.
- Online exam fee: $100
BIB350/550: Intro to Theology and Bible Interpretation
This course introduces students to the task of theology and principles of bible interpretation. It explores issues of theological method, the sources and goals of theology, the nature and authority of Christian scripture, and how to teach others basic skills in Bible interpretation. It gives particular emphasis to missiological application of interpretive methods and introduces issues of contextualization.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
BIB206/506: Old Testament Theology
This course introduces students to the contours of the biblical narrative throughout the Old Testament, surveys the genres and books of the OT, explores principles and issues of interpretation, and aims to provide a foundation in Old Testament theology. Through videos and learning activities from BibleMesh’s The Biblical Story, and supplemental readings and essays, students learn to read, interpret, and apply the Old Testament in service to the missionary task.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
BIB211/511: New Testament Theology
This course introduces students to the contours of the biblical narrative throughout the New Testament, surveys the genres and books of the NT, explores principles and issues of interpretation, and aims to provide a foundation in New Testament theology. Through videos and learning activities from BibleMesh’s The Biblical Story, and supplemental readings and essays, students learn to read, interpret, and apply the New Testament in service to the missionary task.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
THS204/604: Intro to Christian Doctrine
This course introduces students to essential Christian doctrines and provides biblical and historical overviews of their development, as well as contextual points of application. Students study the doctrine of God, revelation, creation, Christ, the Holy Spirit, humanity and sin, salvation, the church, and end time. Through videos and learning activities from Blackwell and Hatchett’s textbook Engaging Theology, and supplemental readings and essays, students learn to articulate and apply core Christian doctrine in service to the missionary task.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
REL206/506: Intro to Christian Worldview
Utilizing lectures from John Stonestreet, this course examines the nature and function of worldviews. You will learn about the foundational questions about life all worldviews serve to answer and explore four different non-Christian worldviews: naturalistic, transcendental, postmodern, and theistic. In the process, students are given a broad vision of the Christian life and the way it equips them to live according to God’s purposes in every sphere of culture.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
REL305/605: Contemporary Secular Ideologies
This course introduces students to contemporary secular ideologies and explores the roots of their worldviews in non-Christian visions of justice, meaning, and salvation. Using material from Thaddeus Williams’ book Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth, this course aims to provide a proper biblical understanding of justice and apply this to various contemporary cultural debates. Students will read about such topics as secularism, critical theory, gender identity, and ethnonationalism, and come away with biblical categories for responding to such ideologies.
- 3 credits
- 2-3 months
2 Electives
Choose 2 of the following from the options below. You will be directed to select the courses that best fit your field preparation.
- Know the Creeds & Councils
- Moral Choices: Intro to Christian Ethics
- The Triune God: Intro to the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Christ Alone: Intro to Christology
- Why We Trust the Bible
- God’s Word Alone: Into to the Doctrine of Scripture
- Organic Outreach: Intro to Evangelism
- A Theology of Biblical Counseling
- Understanding World Religions
- 6 credits
- 6-9 months
Capstone Project
The post-assessment is a Capstone Project. This final module will be a one-month project that will be designed to assess the core competencies of the Kontaktmission Cross-Cultural Certificate as well as Gospel clarity.
- Capstone Project fee: $150
Frequently Asked Questions
First, you need to apply to the BibleMesh Institute by going here. Be sure to select the “Kontaktmission Cross-Cultural Certificate” as the program you are interested in. Upon your enrollment in the Institute, we will assign you a qualified academic tutor who will guide you through each course of study.
Yes! Please contact us here.
Students enroll in the BibleMesh Institute on a subscription basis. The monthly cost for each BibleMesh Institute course is $280 per month. The length of time to complete a course varies depending on each student’s situation, but averages 3 months for dedicated students.
To provide the highest quality online learning experience and to meet academic standards, the BibleMesh Institute assigns each student an academic tutor for each course. All of our proctors (academic tutors) are highly qualified in their subject field.
Yes. Each course is provided with month-to-month access to better fit your situation. You may work through and complete a course as your schedule allows, while your academic tutor guides you to ensure competency and mastery of the content. You may take as much time as you wish to complete an individual course or a certificate program.
In order to complete a certificate program, students must complete every course within that program. Some certificates, like the Biblical Languages certificate, do require courses to be completed in a specific sequence. If you need to pause your studies, you can; your progress and grades will not be lost. You can simply renew your monthly course subscription and resume from where you left off.
Anyone can take the eight courses listed in the Kontaktmission Cross-Cultural Certificate, but only those who are members of Kontaktmission are eligible to receive the actual Certificate. To learn more about Christar click here.
Upon finishing all the courses in a certificate program, you may apply for and receive a certificate.
When scholarships are available they are initially available to students already studying in the BibleMesh Institute.

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