Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Life of Discipleship
Join Bonhoeffer expert, Dr. Brant Himes for a captivating journey through Bonhoeffer’s life and thought.
8-unit online course, plus livestreams.
This course explores formative episodes from Bonhoeffer’s life, his key works, and central ideas in his thought. We connect these episodes to your personal piety, devotion to God’s word, public theology, and also the place of the church in the midst of culture.
The goal is to study Bonhoeffer’s life and theology for the purpose of growing in your own life of faithful discipleship to Jesus Christ.
8-unit online course, plus livestreams.

Dr. Brant Himes
Bonhoeffer scholar.
Associate Professor, Los Angeles Pacific University. PhD, Theology (Fuller Theological Seminary and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Christ at the Center
Guiding Question: “Who is Jesus Christ, for us, today”
Key Texts: “After Ten Years” in Letters and Papers from Prison; “Lectures on Christology” in Berlin: 1932-1933; Creation and Fall
When Faith Demands Action
Guiding Question: How is the Spirit of God alive and active in our lives?
Key Texts: “April 22, 1944 Letter to Eberhard Bethge” in Letters and Papers from Prison; Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928-1931
Life of the Church
Guiding Questions: What is the church? What does it mean to participate in the life of the church?
Key Texts: Sanctorum Communio; “Lectures on Christology” in Berlin: 1932-1933; “The Church and the Jewish Question” in Berlin: 1932-1933
The Cost of Discipleship
Guiding Question: How do we respond to the call to follow-after Jesus Christ?
Key Text: Discipleship
Life in Community
Guiding Question: What are the traits of Christian community?
Key Texts: Life Together; Theological Education at Finkenwalde: 1935-1937
Discernment in Troubled Times
Guiding Question: Where is God calling me?
Key Texts: “Letter from Gerhard Krause, February 18, 1939,” “Letter to George Chichester, March 15, 1939,” “Letter to Reinhold Niebuhr, June 1939,” “American Diary, June 9, 1939,” in Theological Education Underground: 1937-1940, pp. 151, 156-57, 210
The Ethics of Conspiracy
Guiding Questions: What is good? What is the will of God?
Key Texts: Ethics
Who Is Jesus Christ for Us Today?
Guiding Question: Who is Jesus Christ for us today?
Key Texts: Letters and Papers from Prison; Love Letters from Cell 92
A Life of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer lived as a German pastor and theologian during the tumultuous times of Adolf Hitler, the rise of Nazi Germany, and World War II. As the Nazis tightened their grip on the German churches, Bonhoeffer led with a theological, pastoral, and political resistance that eventually cost him his life.
How the arc of Bonhoeffer’s life led him to becoming a spy and double-agent against Nazi Germany.
How key aspects of Bonhoeffer’s theology formed a foundation for his life’s work and thought.
How Bonhoeffer’s ethical decision making led to his participation in plans to assassinate Hitler.
How to examine your own life for areas of growth and discernment in how Jesus is calling you to fully participate in God’s mission in and for the world.
How to apply Bonhoeffer’s insights into Jesus Christ, discipleship, and community to your own life and living.
8-unit online course, plus livestreams.

Our livestream partner is Westside Church, in Bend, Oregon. For 8-weeks, starting Sunday Jan. 26th, join Dr. Brant Himes for deep dive sessions on each course unit.
Key Information:
- Sundays January 26— March 16, 6:30-7:45 PM, Pacific Time
- Live lectures dive deeper into the content from each unit
- Provides a forum for more discussion and questions
- Q&A for both in-person and online audience
- Live audience at Westside Church
- Recording available on-demand after each session
8-unit online course, plus livestreams.